Natural Testosterone
Natural testosterone occurs naturally in soybeans. It is identical to the hormone derived from human testes. It's primary recommended use is to combat low testosterone levels. Using it to increase testosterone levels in humans is proven to be far safer than using the synthetic option. Natural testosterone is removed from soybeans under laboratory conditions. The use of natural testosterone as a treatment for this condition is well established as it has has been since the 1930s.
Common conditions for which natural testosterone is used as a treatment in men include mood swings, a decrease in libido and a loss of strength. This use of this hormone is safe to use as a treatment for persons who are of severe medical conditions. This hormone, when applied, will have some of the following results: increased sexual potency, up surge in energy levels and an improvement in tone muscle mass.
Natural Ways to Increase Testosterone in Men
1. Regular Exercise - not just your physical well-being but your sexual well-being should also be monitored. Some exercises that are great for increasing Natural testosterone production in your body, include squats, deadlifts, chin ups, rows and military press. Monitoring is the watch word here though because over training increases stress levels which decreases natural testosterone production!
2. Watch What You Eat - a carefully controlled diet including staples such as eggs, lean meat, chicken and certain fats such as Omega 3 are all good for producing natural testosterone. Avoid consuming too many carbs and foods that are rich in sugars.
3. Sleep Well - have you ever rose in the morning with an erection and wondered why? Well it is because sound sleep boosts the production of natural testosterone. When you deprive yourself of sleep it affects your hormone levels which decreases testosterone levels. You are at your peak for natural testosterone after a solid 8 hours sleep.
4. Have Plenty of Great Sex - great sex is an awesome testosterone builder; even having an erection boosts testosterone levels in your body. The equation to follow is increased frequency of sex = increased natural testosterone levels.
5. The Use of Natural Testosterone Supplements - this is a safe and 'no side-effect' way of increasing your Natural testosterone level. These supplements, containing ingredients such as natural herbs and amino acids, not only do this but also stimulate your HGH levels, which can slow down the effects of aging. These supplements are backed by laboratory approval ensuring their safeness and suitability for purpose.
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