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The quality of our finished products is very important to us. Our service is comprehensive and focused on our customers' satisfaction and needs. Products are selected to meet the requirements of today's pharmaceutical market.
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 20 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 50 mg/tab
Presentation: 20 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Product Strength: 20 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandrostanolone
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Product Strength: 50 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandrostanolone
Manufacturer: Axiolabs
Product Strength: 50 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Axiolabs
Product Strength: 10 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 10 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Beligas Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 20 mg/tab
Presentation: 50 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 10 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 10 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 50 mg/tab
Presentation: 60 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: BodyPharm
Product Strength: 50 mg/ml
Presentation: 10 mL Vial
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: BodyPharm
Product Strength: 10 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: SP Laboratories
Product Strength: 10 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: 7Lab Pharm
Product Strength: 10 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: 7Lab Pharma
Product Strength: 20 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Sciroxx
Product Strength: 10 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandrostanolone
Manufacturer: Ice Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 10 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 50 mg/tab
Presentation: 50 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Maha Pharma
Product Strength: 20 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Zerox Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 10 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Geneza Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 10 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Geneza Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 50 mg/tab
Presentation: 20 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 25 mg/tab
Presentation: 50 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Genetic Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 50 mg/tab
Presentation: 50 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Genetic Pharmaceuticals
Product Strength: 10 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: British Dragon
Product Strength: 50 mg/tab
Presentation: 50 tablets
Active Substance: Methandienone
Methandienone is an anabolic and androgenic steroid, it was produced in the early sixties of the twentieth century. This drug is commercially available under various brand names: Dianoxyl, Dianobol, Danabol, Dianabol and DBOL.
Initially, it was used as for stimulating regenerative process, raising the tone, treating burns. Today, athletes use Methandienone to increase muscle mass. Along with this effect, this drug, like other steroids, has other beneficial qualities.
Methandienone has the following steroid profile:
Available in form of tablets or injections.
Synonyms: Methandienone; Methandrostenolone; Methandrolone; Dehydromethyltestosterone; Methylboldenone; Perabol; Ciba-17309-Ba; TMV-17; NSC-51180; NSC-42722; 7α-Methyl-δ1-testosterone; 17α-Methylandrost-1,4-dien-17β-ol-3-one
Drug class: Androgen; Anabolic steroid
Routes of administration: By mouth, intramuscular injection (veterinary)
Bioavailability: High
Metabolism: Hepatic
Elimination half-life: 3–6 hours
Excretion: Urine
Formula: C20H28O2
Molar mass: 300.441 g/mol
This drug contributes to:
Against the background of Methandienone use, increases the feeling of appetite.
People with high blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, prostate hypertrophy and other pathological conditions in which the drug is contraindicated should be refrained from taking Methandienone cycle before coming of age.
A safe daily dosage of this steroid in tablet form is 30 mg. This amount of drug is divided equally by 2-3 times and taken after meals. This pattern of consumption allows you to avoid sudden changes in hormonal levels. Injections suggest an increase in dosage, but the duration of such cycle can not exceed one and a half months (6 weeks).
To reduce the estrogenic effect, already on the eighth day of the cycle, aromatase inhibitors bshould be used, which make it possible to get rid of puffiness and prevent water retention. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) begins on the third or fourth day after discontinuation of drugs.
Over the next two to four weeks, as a rule, take Tamoxifen. The dosage is about 20 mg and is gradually reduced. Normalize the synthesis of endogenous testosterone by activating boosters.
Bodybuilders must constantly keep under control his own physiological indicators, make the required adjustments in a timely manner.
Methandienone solo cycle shows a lot of negative points, which makes the combined usage more common option. Combining this drug with complex AAS is not recommended, since the latter have a negative effect on liver. Methandienone must be combined with testosterone-based products. Best suited: Testosterone, Sustanon, Nandrolone, Trenbolone, Primobolan.
To increase the muscle mass, some sources advise using intermittent and interval unconventional regimens. The first, as is mistakenly believed, reduces the negative impact on the production of body's own hormone, and the second eliminates addiction and reduces the harmful effects on liver. In reality, none of these schemes does not work, and the drug itself is not suitable for a “bridge” between cycles.
To avoid any negative effects when taking Methandienone, you must strictly follow its instructions. Starting a cycle without determining the dosage and duration of administration is impossible.
Gynecomastia is the most frequently occurring side effect of Methandienone intake in tablets and injections. It occurs as a result of the conversion of active substance into estrogen. To prevent this, use aromatase inhibitors. The toxic effect on liver, exerted by the presence in the 17-alpha position of the methyl group, is reduced by choleretic drugs.
Against the background of Methandienone administration, the cells begin to actively retain water, which after the cycle is released. This is the cause of the muscle loss, which prevents aromatase inhibitors.
Bodybuilders who take this drug are most dissatisfied with the muscle loss effect after cycle. As bodybuilders say, it shows itmself after the end of the cycle strongly enough. Not everyone can minimize the loss of gained mass.
Some athletes get a truly qualitative increase in volume, while others, on the contrary, are too watery. It depends on the quality of Methandienone. Best of all, judging by the reviews, European and American brands have recommended themselves, Balkan and domestic brands are less popular.
Being a classic steroid, which does not lose its relevance to this day, Methandienone perfectly demonstrates itself on combined cycles, not solo.
This online steroid source is intended for adults over the age of 21 only! The information provided by this anabolic store is only for educational and informational purposes. This website and anyone associated with do not promote or support the use of anabolic steroids. The information offered on this web source is only an opinion on anabolic steroids, it is not professional or medical advice and you should always consult a doctor before taking new medication., the author, and employees will not be held liable for how the information from this website is used. By reading the following, you release and discharge all liability of any problems that may occur. Anabolic steroids are illegal and only people with serious medical conditions should use them; under doctor supervision and approval.