Testosterone Cypionate (6 Offers)

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Laboratory Tested
US Domestic
Cypionat 250
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Active Substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Product Strength: 250 mg/ml
Presentation: 10 ml
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Lab Tested: View Lab Report

92.00 USD  
US Domestic & International
Testabol Depot
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Active Substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Product Strength: 250 mg/vial
Presentation: 10 ml
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
48.00 USD  
Product Of The Week
US Domestic & International
Testoxyl Cypionate 250
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Active Substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Product Strength: 250 mg/ml
Presentation: 10 ml
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
48.00 USD  
US Domestic & International
Testaplex C 250
Active Substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Product Strength: 250 mg/ml
Presentation: 10 ml
Manufacturer: Axiolabs
48.00 USD  
Laboratory Tested
Testo C 250
Generic Asia
Active Substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Product Strength: 250 mg/ml
Presentation: 5 amps
Manufacturer: Generic Asia
Lab Tested: View Lab Report
25.00 USD  
Laboratory Tested
US Domestic & International
Testosterone Cypionate 250
Stealth Labs
Active Substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Product Strength: 250 mg/ml
Presentation: 10 ml
Manufacturer: Stealth Labs
Lab Tested: View Lab Report
Out of stock

Testosterone Cypionate Profile

The basis of Testosterone Cypionate drug is active testosterone, dissolved in an oily solution.

A Testosterone Cypionate cycle is able to have a pronounced anabolic and androgenic effect on human body. In the process of using Testosterone Cypionate, functioning of the male sex glands is regulated, and the processes of protein production in the body are activated.

The main feature of Testosterone Cypionate is its slow effect, due to which the level of testosterone concentration, from the physiological point of view, is at the most optimal level. That is why Testosterone Cypionate can be effectively used as a hormone replacement treatment. You can buy Testosterone Cypionate in our online store.

Testosterone Cypionate Effects

Among the most pronounced effects of Testosterone Cypionate, it is necessary to distinguish the following:

  • Building of muscle mass;
  • A significant increase in general power capabilities;
  • Increase in habitual appetite;
  • Increasing the craving for physical activity;
  • Joint pain reduction;
  • General strengthening of human bones.

Testosterone Cypionate Side Effects

Cypionate can cause an excess of estrogens, which in turn leads to gynecomastia. Also, to the most frequent problems associated with the use of this drug, include the following:

  • increased production of sebum by sebaceous glands;
  • acne;
  • activation of hair growth on both face and body.

To exclude the likelihood of such problems, it is worthwhile to use Anastrozole, Proviron or Exemestane during cycles based on Testosterone Cypionate.

  • Also, improper or prolonged use of Testosterone Cypionate can lead to the occurrence of more serious risks to the body:
  • early puberty;
  • development of anomalies or cancers in the prostate gland;
  • appearance of oligospermia;
  • intense headaches;
  • appearance of a depressive state, anxiety and sleep problems;
  • early closure of the areas in which bone growth occurs;
  • appearance of nausea and bleeding in the digestive organs;
  • development of cholestatic jaundice.

If there are any chronic diseases or other health problems, then the use of testosterone-based drugs is only after a thorough medical examination and all necessary tests. The price of Testosterone Cypionate is often greatly underestimated, beware of fakes. We provide only real testosterones that work for sure.

How To Use Testosterone Cypionate

Men are encouraged to adhere to the following scheme:

The optimal dosage for 1 week for an active athlete is 250-500 mg. The total duration of cycle can be from 4 to 12 weeks. This amount of Testosterone Cypionate will be sufficient to achieve a good muscle mass, and strength indicators. This scheme is based on Testosterone Cypionate reviews from experienced athletes.

It is necessary to inject Testosterone Cypionate on 3-4 days after the start of its admission. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to perform injections every 4-5 days, or to separate the weekly dose into equal parts. Due to the price of Testosterone Cypionate, you can easily create a whole cycle.

For women, this drug is highly not recommended, since it has a high androgenic activity.

Testosterone Cypionate Reviews

After Testosterone Cypionate usage, many athletes were able to note enough its effect, during which muscles actively are gaining weight.

However, as many reviews about Testosterone Cypionat testify, in the process of using this drug, appetite is increased significantly. But if we are talking about people who are constantly engaged in physical activity, this feature of the drug is not a problem.

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