Balkan Pharmaceuticals


Active Substance: Testosterone Suspension
Product Strength: 100 mg/ml
Presentation: 5 amps
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Out of stock

Aquatest Detailed

Balkan Pharmaceuticals Aquatest for Sale

Aquatest, made by Balkan Pharmaceuticals, is an anabolic drug, which is a high-speed form of Testosterone that does not contain any essential residues. You can buy Aquatest in our store.

This drug is based on a suspension of Testosterone. In essence, this is an aqueous solution containing no esters, which allows the drug to enter in work very soon after its administration, which on the one hand provides a tangible anabolic response, but on the other hand, the main disadvantages of this steroid are linked with this same feature.

In view of the fact that this preparation is an aqueous solution, its production is not so expensive, therefore the price of Aquatest from Balkan Pharmaceuticals is quite affordable for a wide range of athletes.

Quite often the need to purchase Aquatest occurs among performing athletes. This category of athletes uses this medication directly in the period of preparation for performances in tournaments, since it is completely eliminated from body within 24 hours.

Aquatest is beneficial in terms of the fact that the drug, as an aqueous solution, actually 100 mg of the drug contains about 100 mg of active substance (Testosterone), whereas, for example, 100 mg of Testosterone Enanthate contain only about 70 mg of Testosterone.

Aquatest Properties:

  • As well as other steroid drugs based on Testosterone, contributes to a tangible effect of burning fat tissue, as well as muscular growth;
  • Characterized by a short half-life (excreted from the body in a day);
  • Significantly accelerates the processes of protein synthesis in muscle tissue, stimulates libido;
  • This drug is able to increase strength, which is provided by a very rapid entry into the blood;
  • Reduces the potential risks of heart disease, increases the performance of joints and ligaments;
  • Characterized by a powerful anti-catabolic property.

Aquatest Usage

This drug is often used by athletes at competitive level directly during the preparation for competitions, which is largely due to the fact that the metabolic products of this drug are completely eliminated from the body the day after its administration.

This drug is active in the body for 3 days after administration, but for maximum effectiveness it is desirable to inject it daily at a dose of 50-100 mg. It is also possible to inject this steroid with an interval of 2-3 days. Every new injection is recommended to be done in a new place to exclude local side reactions. Aquatest cycle is undesirable to continue for more than five (5) weeks. This is due to the fact that this drug significantly reduces the production of body's own Testosterone, as well as its high property to aromatize. Too long cycles entail the need for hCG.

Week Aquatest Anastrozole Tamoxifen
1 50-100 mg once for 2-3 days 0.5 mg every 3 days
2 50-100 mg once for 2-3 days 0.5 mg every 3 days
3 50-100 mg once for 2-3 days 0.5 mg every 3 days
4 50-100 mg once for 2-3 days 0.5 mg every 3 days
5 50-100 mg once for 2-3 days 0.5 mg every 3 days
6 20 mg/day
7 10 mg/day
8 10 mg/day

Often, this steroid is not characterized by a toxic effect on the level of hepatic enzymes, but when used in too high doses, such a side effect can be observed. To reduce the painful nature of injection, it is sometimes recommended that this drug to be administered together with B12 or an analgesic. Sufficiently well, Aquatest is used in combination with Nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin) or Boldenone (Equipoise) in order to build muscle mass. From the very beginning of the cycle, administration of aromatase inhibitors is recommended, and after cycle completion, post-cycle therapy will be required, for which Tamoxifen (Tamoximed) is used, according to the standard scheme.

Aquatest Reviews
Jan 4, 2018 (12:31)

The Aquatest will scare the shit outta you at more than 1cc at once. I fuckin love it!! I feel like a robot when I use it preworkout.

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