

Active Substance: Testosterone Mix
Product Strength: 270 mg/ml
Presentation: 10 ml
Manufacturer: BodyPharm
Out of stock

Sustanon Detailed

BodyPharm Sustanon for Sale

Sustanon from BodyPharm is a high-quality and effective steroid compound of a composite natur. To order Sustanon is possible through our steroid pharmacy.

Composite nature implies the complex nature of its active components (constituents). The composition of this drug contains five components with different duration of their entry into the bloodstream, which allows one injection to work up to twenty-one days (three weeks), which allows to classify this drug as a long-acting steroid. For many athletes, this is an advantage.

Like any form of testosterone, this drug is highly exposed to aromatization. With an improperly prepared cycle, this can provoke side effects associated with estrogens. However, this should not influence the decision on whether to purchase Sustanon, because side effects associated with aromatization can be easily neutralized (they are characteristic, although not for every steroid, but for a variety of steroid preparations).

Sustanon price does not make it the most affordable on market. This steroid belongs to the category of expensive drugs, but given the large number of its beneficial properties, there is no doubt that money spent on it fully justifies itself.

Sustanon Properties:

  • Increases in average about six kilograms of muscle mass per month during the cycle.
  • The processes of burning fat tissue are also enhanced, which makes it possible to improve the definition of muscles, and also increases appetite (this is associated with accelerated metabolism).
  • Delays nitrogen in the muscles and increases the rate of synthesis of muscle protein, as well increases power.
  • Due to the high androgenic index, potency and libido in general are stimulated.
  • Injections of testosterone reduces the risk of heart disease, and also have a strong anti-catabolic effect.
  • Increases endurance by active hematopoiesis.
  • Testosterone determines male sexual behavior, as well as sexual characteristics (primary and secondary).

Sustanon Usage

Sustanon is most often used in bodybuilding to accelerate muscle growth and increase the strength, and less often for the purpose of cutting. This drug is recommended only to men.

Sustanon cycle lasts for 8-10 weeks. For longer cycles, use Gonadotropin (Fertigyn), which is required to maintain the normal function of testicles. For a single injection, a sufficient dose varies between 270-540 mg, and the interval between injections is seven days. Injection is best done in the gluteal region.

Week Sustanon Anastrozole Tamoxifen
1 270-540 mg/week
2 270-540 mg/week 0.5 mg every 3 days
3 270-540 mg/week 0.5 mg every 3 days
4 270-540 mg/week 0.5 mg every 3 days
5 270-540 mg/week 0.5 mg every 3 days
6 270-540 mg/week 0.5 mg every 3 days
7 0.5 mg every 3 days
8 0.5 mg every 3 days
12 10 mg/day
13 20 mg/day
14 20 mg/day

During the Sustanon cycle, it is highly desirable to take aromatase blockers or anti-estrogens. Before the beginning of their reception, an analysis of the level of estrogen is recommended. Taking aromatase blockers will eliminate such possible side effects as water retention, gyno and others. As a result of the cycle, the phenomenon of muscle loss will also decrease. Sufficiently suitable for such a task is Anastrozole (Arimixyl). Start its reception from the second week from the beginning of the cycle and continue two more weeks after the cycle's end (0.5 mg a day).

Three weeks after the end of Sustanon cycle, conduct a PCT with a duration of 3-4 weeks. Use Tamoxifen (Nolvaxyl). You can also use a testosterone booster. Sustanon works great in conjunction with many other steroids.

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