SP Propionate
SP Laboratories

SP Propionate

Active Substance: Testosterone Propionate
Product Strength: 100 mg/ml
Presentation: 10 ml
Manufacturer: SP Laboratories
Out of stock

SP Propionate Detailed

SP Laboratories Propionate for Sale

SP Propionate from SP Laboratories is a potent and widespread anabolic steroid that contains a short ester - Testosterone Propionate as its main active ingredient. You can order SP Propionate today in our store.

All the advantages of this steroid are due mainly to the fact that it is characterized by a short action. So, if you buy SP Propionate, then it can be used for cycles in order to improve the appearance of muscles, as well as to build muscle mass. This largely depends on the diet and training program. SP Propionate is also recommended for beginners in the aspect of using steroids, because this drug can be urgently discontinued in case of adverse reactions. Compared with other forms of testosterone, this drug, due to its specific action and under the condition of correctly selected doses, will not retain water (which is characteristic for other drugs based on testosterone) or it will manifest itself minimally.

Not the most recent value is the price of SP Propionate. The cost of this drug often allows it to be available to many athletes and bodybuildings.

Why should you buy SP Propionate?

  • Due to its universal nature of action, it is possible to use it both for the purpose of cutting, and for increasing the quality of muscle mass.
  • This drug promotes significant progress in strength indicators, and also stimulates protein synthesis in muscle tissue.
  • Due to increased metabolic rate, the fat burning process is activated and appetite is increased.
  • Improves the health of ligaments and joints, and with properly selected doses also does not contribute to the water retention.
  • Testosterone can improve the overall health of the body, help in the prevention of overtraining, helps reduce the risk of heart diseases.
  • Stimulates libido due to high androgenic activity.
  • Is characterized by a powerful anti-catabolic effect (reduces the secretion and activity of cortisol).
  • Testosterone is a hormone that is responsible for male sexual behavior and sexual characteristics, is also involved in spermatogenesis.

SP Propionate Usage

SP Propionate can act as the only steroid on cycle, and can also be used in combined cycles. For beginner athletes and bodybuilders, the working dosage is 50 mg daily or 100 mg every other day. For experienced athletes, the working dosage starts from 100 mg daily and higher. The cycle lasts from 4 to 6 weeks.

During SP Propionate cycle, it is necessary to take anti-estrogenic drugs or aromatase inhibitors, which is necessary to avoid estrogenic side reactions. Typically, these drugs are taken about the second week of the cycle and another week after steroid's withdrawal.

Week SP Propionate Tamoxifen
1 50 mg/day (or 100 mg EOD)
2 50 mg/day (or 100 mg EOD) 10 mg/day
3 50 mg/day (or 100 mg EOD) 10 mg/day
4 50 mg/day (or 100 mg EOD) 10 mg/day
5 50 mg/day (or 100 mg EOD) 10 mg/day
6 50 mg/day (or 100 mg EOD) 10 mg/day
7 20-30 mg/day
8 20 mg/day
9 10 mg/day

On the third day after the completion of cycle, post-cycle therapy is performed, which is required to resume the natural secretion of testosterone in the body. You can take Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) or Clomiphene (Clomid). Along with PCT, it is also recommended to take cortisol blockers - amino acids of BCAA and whey protein.

Depending on tasks (cutting or bulking), a training program and a diet are built. This form of steroid is part of the famous drug Sustanon. For cutting, this steroid is perfectly combined with Winstrol (Stanoject), Drostanolone (SP Masteron), Methenolone (SP Primobol), Trenbolone (SP Trenbolone 75).

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